Instruct those who are rich in this world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.”

1 Timothy 6:16 (NIV)

We exist to serve our fellow saints in the greater church in three main ways:

  • Proclaim Eternal Security in a Age of Rampant Materialism
  • Provide Biblical World Economic and Financial Perspectives
  • Promote Practical & Biblical Stewardship

Mulberry Press

Our logo symbolizes the purpose of our cause — to promote Christ in an age of financial and economic worldliness.

The symbol for Mulberry’s ministry is a rose in a mulberry bush. This tree has been a staple of industry and trade for thousands of years in many cultures — in the production of silk, wood, medicine and fruit. Even today, China employs the mulberry tree as the logo for its department of commerce. The rose shown in the midst of the tree represents Christ — the rose of Sharon.



To promote the full and due worship of God, and a complete trust and reliance upon his Son, Jesus Christ. … upon nothing else, not financial systems, gold or any earthly security. The time will come when gold will literally be “thrown in the street.”

Supporting Perspective Societies are being lured into a deep-seated and pervasive idolatry — a belief framework — that stakes its faith in the ability of human economic systems to provide security and peace for mankind. As such, we live in an increasingly materialistic age where society is being entrusted to the supposedly benevolent forces of self-interest and the “love of money.” Christians — much of the church — have fallen prey to the falsehoods of these new “market” perspectives.

The Mulberry Ministry We seek to uncover and explain the fraudulent and deceptive claims supporting present-day, popular beliefs concerning financial and economic systems and the humanist pursuit of the “good life.”. In doing so, we hope Christians will be exhorted to return their full worship and affections to God; to rely upon Him and not the deceptive promises of a controlling, materialistic world system.

Our Biblical Perspective The Bible forewarns that, “Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your silver and gold are corroded […] You have hoarded wealth in the last days” (James 5:2-4). World monetary systems will ultimately fail. Our only enduring hope is full dependence on God, not upon gold or the “arms of man.”



To alert Christians to important developing trends with respect to global monetary and economic systems; to promote an awareness of their impact upon faith and freedom; to help guide Christians’ responses to the approaching challenges and threats.

Supporting Perspective Over the past two centuries, the world has witnessed the gradual rise of a systematic, material order that is gaining increasing influence over human activities. It is a development of the endtime. Economic and financial systems, the key expressions of this encroaching order, have gained ground at an extremely rapid pace over the past few decades … even capturing the affections of much of mankind. Many of these developments, though they will deeply impact and test the lives of Christians, are stealth-like and receive little public analysis.

The Mulberry Ministry We serve as the “watcher at the door,” researching and monitoring global and domestic trends in financial and economic markets. We serve to draw the attention of Christians to relevant issues primarily through the means of publications and educational materials.

Our Biblical Perspective The Bible speaks of a day when no one will be able to “buy nor sell” (Revelations 13:17) without participating in the prevailing system of that time. A deception so great is to sweep the world that “if it were possible, even the very elect might be deceived” (Matthew 24:24). In our view, that time has already begun.



To counsel wisdom and safety with respect to financial affairs and to promote the practice of proper stewardship.

Supporting Perspective: Stewardship principles taught today are increasingly skewed by desires for gain and financial return. We observe that the practices and advice of many Christian financial service providers have become undistinguishable from the secular mainstream. Stewardship advice often reflects an uncritical acceptance of the prevailing worldly, materialistic perspective.

The Mulberry Ministry To provide solid financial perspectives with respect to stewardship and to provide practical direction to help Christians live “separate and apart” (II Corinthians 6:17) from the influences of the world emerging financial order. To encourage providers of financial services to Christians to pursue and endorse Biblically- balanced stewardship principles.

Our Biblical Perspective We seek to illustrate the truth that “contentment with Godliness is great gain” (I Timothy 6:6) and to promote the pursuit of the prize of “a harvest of righteousness” (Hebrews 12:11) … peace and contentment.

We are told that advisors will “come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15) Seeing Christians as vulnerable and gullible targets of any investment prospect that may however vaguely be associated with Christianity or the Bible, these individuals think “that Godliness is a means to financial gain” (I Timothy 6:5).